Proper names

Do you have assimilation of initials even for personal names or proper names?

Lô Chín-Khun
For place names assimilation of initials sometimes exist, e.g., 南京 [naŋ ŋiŋ], 泉州 [tsuoŋ ʒiu], 台北 [tai βɔyk], but not always: for 成都, 重慶 I have seldom heard Foochow speakers pronounce like [siŋ nu] [tyŋ ŋeiŋ]. It's hard to tell why, maybe Chengdu and Chongqing are far from Fuzhou and thus have a relatively low frequency in daily oral use.

In pernonal names we use initial assimilation too. For example, 林則徐 is pronounced as [liŋ ʒeik sy].

Note that, however, when a proper name is emphasized or read slowly, the initials must be articulated very clearly.
Three C's define me: Chinese by birth; Canadian by choice; Christian by grace.
原帖由 GnuDoyng 於 2007-9-30 00:54 發表
Note that, however, when a proper name is emphasized or read slowly, the initials must be arculated very clearly.
Tang-tang, I guess you wanna say "articulated"?

[ 本帖最後由 輶轩使者 於 2007-9-30 03:15 編輯 ]

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Yes. Corrected.
Three C's define me: Chinese by birth; Canadian by choice; Christian by grace.