- 母語
- 潮语揭阳腔
- 來自
- 潮州府揭陽縣東安里
发表于 2007-11-26 01:53
原文见该书附录Appendix,在610页,属于Relation to Other Languages(厦门语与其它语言之关系)部分(按:杜嘉德以“厦门语”统指福建闽南语,即包括各变体如漳州和泉州)。先录原文如下。Of the other languages of China the most nearly related to ours is the vernacular of Chau-chau-foo or Tie-chiu, in the province of Canton or Kwang-tung, on the borders of the province of Fuh-kien. The only treaty-port in that region of country is Swatow, so that the language is often called the "Swatow dialect". The ancestors of those people emigrated many centuries ago from the province of Fuh-kien, and to this day they are distinguished from the other inhabitants of the Canton province by the appellation "Hok-ló", that is the persons from Hok-kièn or Fuh-kien. That dialect of Swatow or Tie-chiu differs from the Amoy much as Dutch differs from German, or as Portuguese from Spanish, so that those who understand one or other of the dialects well can make out the greater part of what is said in the other. A large proportion of the changes which take place in passing from the Amoy to the Swatow are also found more or less in the various local dialects of the Amoy illustrated in this book, such as the Chang-chew, the Chin-chew, &c.
The island of Hai-nan (Hái-lâm), also in the Canton province, differs much more than the Swatow, but still is more nearly related to the Amoy and Swatow than to any of the other languages of China. But the centre of that island, just as is the case in Formosa, is inhabited by aboriginal races totally different from the Chinese, and having languages of a quite different stock. 大意:中国其它语言中,与厦门语(译按:此指福建闽南语)关系最为接近者当属潮州府白话(译按:vernacular我习惯译成白话,盖白话即土语、土白、本地话,潮俗旧时即称潮语为白话,如嘉靖年间“御街tàⁿ 白话”,“白话”不是粤语的专利)。潮州府属广东省,比邻福建省,该地区唯一依条约开放之通商口岸系汕头埠(译按:依清国与美、英、法签署的《天津条约》及《续增条约》潮州府汕头于1861年被迫辟为通商口岸,清政府遂改“汕头港”为“汕头埠”,是汕头开埠之始),故此潮府白话亦常称作“汕头方言”。自潮人祖先从福建迁来粤东,计已历颇多世纪,然直至今日潮人尚被呼为“福佬”,即来自福建省之人,以见有别于广东省其它居民云(译按:此可见清末大家对Hok-ló的认识,是认为即福佬的,此或可为“河洛”“学老”诸异说之鉴)。汕头或潮州白话与厦门语之差异,大率如荷兰语之与德意志语,或如葡萄牙语之与西班牙语,故而精擅汕、厦其中任一方言者假以努力,即可听明对方语言所讲之大部分内容。从厦门语至汕头语之间嬗变之异,或多或少亦见诸厦门语众多地方变体中。本书对此类方言变体已作阐述,如漳州话、泉州话,不一而足。
海南岛亦属广东省,其与厦门语之差异更远甚潮语,然较之中国其它语言,海南语与厦门、汕头白话之关系仍可称最为亲近。至若海南岛之中央地区,则颇类台湾情形,为完全异乎汉人之土著种族所居(译按:盖谓操黎语的黎族以及操壮泰语的临高人、操占语的回族回辉人等),其所操诸语言,以谱系论,与厦、潮等闽语迥乎不同。 读杜氏此文,尚有一收获,那就是证实了我以前的一个猜测:英文的&符号,表示and的意思,但是此符号来源应该是拉丁语的et。杜氏etc写作& c.,正好印证了这一猜想。 |
Tshṳ̂-pui Avalokiteśvara Phŏ-sat pó-hō tshuân-ke-nâng jît-jît phêng-an!
蹉跎莫遣韶光老 人生唯有讀書好 學須靜也 才須學也
1胎tho 2讨thó 3退thò 4托thoh
5逃tô 6在tŏ 7袋tō 8夺tôh
[aʔ8]=âh=a̍h;[ts]=ts=ch;[tsʰ]=tsh=chh |