
Scots (or "Lallans" a poetic spellin for lawlands) is a Germanic leid that's spak in the Scots lawlands, Northren Isles an in Northren Ireland an the Republic o Ireland (whaur it's kent as "Ullans" in offeecal circles, but by ordinar fowks as "Scotch" or "Scots"). In maist airts, it's spak alangside the Scots Gaelic an Inglis leids.

Up tae the 15t century Scottis (modren form Scots) wis the name o Gaelic the Celtic leid o the auncient Scots, inbrocht fae Ireland aboot 500 AD). Thaim that spaeks Scots cried Gaelic Erse (meanin Irish). The Gaelic o Scotland is nou maistlie cried Scots Gaelic an is yit spoken by some in the wastren Hielands an islands. For the maist pairt Scots comes fae the Northumbrian kin o Anglo-Saxon (Auld Inglis), tho wi influence fae Norse by the wey o the Vikings, Dutch an Laich Saxon throu troke wi, an incomers fae, the laich kintras, an Romance by the wey o kirk an legal Laitin, Anglo-Norman an syne Pairisian French acause o the Auld Alliance.

Anglian spaekers wis weel staiblisht in sooth-east Scotland by the 7t century. In the 13t century Norman landawners an their reteeners, spaekin Northumbrian Middle Inglis, wis invite tae come an settle by the Keeng. Scots kythed for the first time in leeterar form in the mids o the 14t century an didna differ muckle fae ither northren Inglis byleids. The Anglian leid o Scotland growed on its ain sinsyne. By the late 15t century the sicht fowk haed o the differs wi the leid spoken further sooth cam tae the fore an Scots spaekin Scots stairtit tae cry their leid Scots. Scots haes lend-wirds fae the fact at the Scots fowk haed contact wi Gaelic spaekers. Thir lend-wirds is for ordinar juist for geographical an cultural thingies, sic as clan an loch. Like ony leevin leid, Scot haes cheenged a bittie ower the years, tho it haes arguably stayed closer tae its Anglo-Saxon spring-heid nor Inglis. Monie Scots wirds haes become pairt o Inglis an aw: flit, greed, eerie, cuddle, clan, stob.

***         ***           ***          ***        

Innin til the Scots Leid Associe
The Scots Leid Associe wis foondit in 1972 an aye ettles ti pit forrit a feckfu case for the Scots language in leiterature, drama, the media, education an ilka day uiss. Sen Scots wis aince the state language o Scotland, an is aye a grace til oor national leiterature, it lies at the hert o Scotland's heirskep. The Associe threips on the view  that Scots maun staun its ben as ane o three leids o the kintra,  alang wi Gaelic an Inglis.

Alang wi promotin the language an tyauvin ti persuade government,  education authorities an the media ti pit in whit siller the language needs for its langer-term haelth, the Associe furthsets the bi-annual journal Lallans, nouadays a 144-page magazine for writin in Scots (free til Associe memmers) an a Scots wittins blad, Eiks an Ens. Oor Annual Collogue is an aa day event maist years, that haes been addressed bi nemlie writers, actors, journalists, muisicians, televeision presenters, scholars an ithers; we haud competeitions ti attract baith adults an bairns ti try thair haun at  writin in Scots.

The Associe is ane amang a faimily o Scots language organisations, that  aa can gie guid advice on the language til theatre companies, schuils, performers an the like. Hae a leuk at oor airtins page for details.

The Associe is a cherity registrate in Scotland CR 10286.

Lallans magazine is furthset wi the help o the Scottish Arts Council
學班語的人, 在羅馬語中可以觸類旁通, 至少看義語, 葡語的網站可以看懂好多.
英語在日耳曼語中基本不能這樣觸類旁通, 故此在網上, 會英語的人往往沒有班語人這樣的體驗. 蘇格蘭語似乎可以滿足, 但是, 網上蘇格蘭語的網站好少.

可惜我無找到蘇格蘭語的音聲檔案... 無法感受蘇格蘭語的聽覺是什麼樣的.
最愛還是閩東語(Eastern Ming Language)..., 欲罷不能.


回復 #1 Nguang 的帖子

“苏格兰语”这个说法不谨严。上面这个其实是“Scots”(低地苏格兰语,属于日耳曼语,来自早期中古英语北部方言),而苏格兰地区还有苏格兰英语(Scottish English,也叫SSE,是17世纪后低地苏格兰语和英语不断接触后低地苏格兰语者换用英语后形成的方言)和苏格兰盖尔语(Scottish Gaelic,属于凯尔特语族盖尔语支,和爱尔兰语同支,主要使用于苏格兰高地和海岛地区)。

Tshṳ̂-pui Avalokiteśvara Phŏ-sat pó-hō tshuân-ke-nâng jît-jît phêng-an!
蹉跎莫遣韶光老 人生唯有讀書好 學須靜也  才須學也

1胎tho 2讨thó 3退thò 4托thoh
5逃tô 6在tŏ 7袋tō 8夺tôh
我没听过苏格兰语,但是我听过苏格兰腔很重的人说英语,比如英国喜剧演员Billy Connolly,他的英语我几乎听不懂。



Three C's define me: Chinese by birth; Canadian by choice; Christian by grace.
Tshṳ̂-pui Avalokiteśvara Phŏ-sat pó-hō tshuân-ke-nâng jît-jît phêng-an!
蹉跎莫遣韶光老 人生唯有讀書好 學須靜也  才須學也

1胎tho 2讨thó 3退thò 4托thoh
5逃tô 6在tŏ 7袋tō 8夺tôh
感覺蘇格蘭蓋爾語的'r'不接母音已經不發音了, 至少聽覺上不如愛爾蘭語那樣常捲舌
最愛還是閩東語(Eastern Ming Language)..., 欲罷不能.


Three C's define me: Chinese by birth; Canadian by choice; Christian by grace.
今天看了部经典老片《A River Runs Through It》,里面有一段对话是这样,Maclean牧师提到他的次子把他们家的姓氏给改写了。“l understand he's changed the spelling of our name, ''MacLean'', with a capital L. Now everyone will think we're Lowland Scots.”

Three C's define me: Chinese by birth; Canadian by choice; Christian by grace.
Mac和Mc是典型的苏格兰姓氏前缀...就像俄罗斯人的ov一样,都是表示son of的意思。
Tshṳ̂-pui Avalokiteśvara Phŏ-sat pó-hō tshuân-ke-nâng jît-jît phêng-an!
蹉跎莫遣韶光老 人生唯有讀書好 學須靜也  才須學也

1胎tho 2讨thó 3退thò 4托thoh
5逃tô 6在tŏ 7袋tō 8夺tôh

回復 #8 輶轩使者 的帖子

Three C's define me: Chinese by birth; Canadian by choice; Christian by grace.
When one is looking for a tartan to wear or a clan connection, in most cases the exact spelling of a name does not matter.  People today put too much stock in the exact spelling of their names.  When you are trying to trace historic connections, especially genealogy, you must be willing to accept phonetic spellings.  Up until about 200 years ago, there were no such things as dictionaries in the English language.  There was no notion of a "correct spelling."  People wrote the way they spoke, and it is possible to pick up various different accents and dialects in the phonetically written Middle English and early Modern English texts.  People's names were no different.  They wrote how they pronounced.  Sometimes this would vary, even among one individual.  Shakespeare, for instance, is known to have spelled hs name 15 different ways over the course of his career.  Often, genealogical records consist of documents such as birth and death certificates, ship passage logs, etc.  In most cases, the party is not writing their own name.  They are giving it to someone and he is copying it down.  The question, "How do you spell your name?" would never have been asked, as that simply was not a concern at the time.  They would write the name the way they heard it.  In Scotland you have the added concern of two languages, Gaelic and English.  If someone has a Gaelic name that is being recorded by an English writer, any number of transformations could occur.  Mac Labhrainn could be given as MacLaren, MacLauren, McLarin, McLauran, Macklaren, McKlaren, McClaren, etc.  Every spelling variation of a name exists in Scotland, in early records.  Many people are convinced that there is a Scottish spelling and an American spelling, as if there was some compulsion for American immigrants to adopt a new spelling.  This is not the case.  When you are looking for a tartan connection, please be willing to accept variations within the spellings of the name.
Tshṳ̂-pui Avalokiteśvara Phŏ-sat pó-hō tshuân-ke-nâng jît-jît phêng-an!
蹉跎莫遣韶光老 人生唯有讀書好 學須靜也  才須學也

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5逃tô 6在tŏ 7袋tō 8夺tôh