The Buttocks

It just occurred to me that kha-chhng in Minnan could be 尻臀. I also googled and found some people also had the same idea.

What do you guys think about it?

Lô Chín-Khun

My take is as follows:

First 尻臀 is an established term in Classical Chinese, especially in the medical literature. This term is also used in Japanese.

Second, regarding 臀, it's possible that the initial t- sound became palatized to to render a ch- like sound. As to the -n to -ng change, it is also very common to sounds with little mouth opening. Words like 村 and 穿 are good examples.

Finally, on the tone part, they are all in the 平 tones. The upper and lower 平 difference is also quite common in many dialects.

Lô Chín-Khun

回復 #3 timluo 的帖子

In Foochow the term for buttocks is Gū-chuŏng ([ku ʒuoŋ]), written by scholars as 股川. I see no connection between Gū-chuŏng and 尻臀. Can someone shed more light on this subject?
Three C's define me: Chinese by birth; Canadian by choice; Christian by grace.
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