今年為期三周的主教會議中,只有一位與會者每次拿起麥克風時,都以拉丁文滔滔不絕。這位拉丁文的忠實信徒是東歐拉脫維亞首都里加的樞機主教普加茲,他參加上一屆主教會議時也是如此,令當時的教宗若望保祿二世不禁慨然:「Paupera lingua latina, ultimum refugium habit in Riga」(可憐的拉丁文,它最後的庇護所居然是在里加)。
我猜测,身为天主教的局外人根本不可能完全了解天主教。因为他们working in the dark and secretly,并且,可能是因为嫉妒甚至是仇恨新教的原因,他们shun the acquaintance of Protestant missionaries and converts connected with Protestant Missions, and are very wary and silent in regard to matters which concern the Roman Catholic Mission.
Three C's define me: Chinese by birth; Canadian by choice; Christian by grace.