lâ-sâm (dirty, soiled) ê kóng-huat

Douglas ê 下英大辭典 Page288 :

lâ-sâm: dirty; filthy.

"lâ-sâm" sī Tâng-uaⁿ ê kóng-huat.  Douglas kā i tòng-tsuè sī Ē-mn̂g ê kóng-huat.

M̄-koh, Ē-mn̂g ìng-kai sī kóng "lâu-siông" tsiah tio̍h.  Douglas辭典 suah bô tsit gê sîr ?

Douglas kóng Chiang-tsiu kóng "â-sâm".  

Pa̍t-uī kánn ū án-ni kóng ?  Pa̍t-uī tsáiⁿ-iūⁿ kóng ?
Douglas basically recorded what he heard in Ē-mn̂g, and recorded other sayings found in other places. It could be that lâ-sâm was still used then in Ē-mn̂g. In Taiwan we mostly say "lah-sap", which is not recorded in Douglas'. But in page 294 you can find "lap-sap (垃圾)". Lapsap means dirty in Cantonese and is considered a borrowing in English too. People in Singapore and Malaysia also use lapsap to mean the same thing.  If you have more time browsing thru Douglas', you will definitely find more similar expressions.

Lô Chín-Khun
我們也叫lap sap,惠安東部
Góa tī Chiang-chiu m̄-pat thiaⁿ-kè "â-sâm", Che khiám-chhài sī góa liáu-kái bô thàu.Douglas kóng--ê tio̍h m̄-tio̍h, góa m̄-káⁿ o·-pe̍h toàn-tiāⁿ.

Goán tsó·-ke tī Chiang-chiu Liông-hái, goán hia mā kóng lâ-sâm. Chit-ê sû-lūi, thang kóng sī Chiang-chiu kah Tâng-oaⁿ pîⁿ-pîⁿ lóng ū.

Góa tsàn-sêng Timluo ê ì-kiàn, hoān-sè khah-tsá Ē-mn̂g oân-á mā ū kóng "lâ-sâm", m̄-koh lō·-bé ná-lâi ná-chió lâng leh kóng, kàu chit-tsūn pìⁿ bô lâng kóng.

Kua kóng--ê bô-m̄-tio̍h, Ē-mn̂g chit-mái kè-sī kóng "lâu-siông" khah tsōe. Put-jî-koh, oân-á mā ū thiaⁿ-tio̍h lâng kóng "lah-sap", "lah-sap-kúi"(垃圾鬼), hoan tsòe Phó·-thong-oē sī “脏鬼/不爱干净、不讲卫生的人”.
鹭水芗南-闽南语部落(http://hokkienese.com/)  ·

        lâ-sâm: dirty                             lâ-sâm  <->  tshing-khì        "lâ-sâm" ê huán-gī-sîr sī "tshing-khì";

        lah-sap: unhygienic                lah-sap  <->  tshing-khì-sìng     "lah-sap" ê huán-gī-sîr sī "tshing-khì-sìng".

Edit: p.s.   "lap-sap" tsit gê sîr guá á m̄-pat thiann lâng kóng--kèr.(Tâng-uann, Ē-mn̂g, Tâi-guân)

[ 本帖最後由 Kua 於 2007-9-26 14:03 編輯 ]
鹭水芗南-闽南语部落(http://hokkienese.com/)  ·
In Teochew we do not say "lâ-sâm" , "lah-sap" or "lap-sap". Instead, we use "nah-sap"  Of course the represented characters are the same, "垃圾",said to be derived from ancient "拉飒". 《晋书·五行志中》:“ 孝武帝太元 末, 京口谣曰:‘黄雌鸡,莫作雄父啼。一旦去毛衣,衣被拉飒栖。’寻而王恭起兵诛王国宝,旋为刘牢之所败,故言‘拉飒栖’也。” 元好问《游龙山》诗:“恶木拉飒栖,直干比指稠。” 清·翟灏 《通俗编·状貌》:“拉飒,言秽杂也。” Cantonese "lap-sap" is of the same origin.

To be exact, "nah-sap" in Teochew usually refers to garbage, that is to say, it is basically a noun, not an adjective. Only by adding a "sièⁿ"(相) can it become an adjective which means unhygenic (only when denoting that attribute of a human being), e.g. Héu-kâi(that) nou-kiáⁿ (child) nah-sap-sièⁿ sí(very much).

So as to denote "dirty", we Teochews have many other words. For instance, "chhi-gî", "lah-tah", "ap-tsap", "o-cho", "kău-ue̍h", "ok-chhok", "la̍h-lĭ", etc.
漳州也是講siùⁿ (siò·ⁿ),比論講“chheng-khì-siùⁿ”(清氣相)。


鹭水芗南-闽南语部落(http://hokkienese.com/)  ·

回復 #8 limkianhui 的帖子



外界条件不好使人不适我们也可以用“垢秽”kău-ue̍h. 身体不自在的也有用这个。逼仄pek-chhek、心肝头实sim-kuaⁿ-thâu-cha̍k好像也可以。

[ 本帖最後由 輶轩使者 於 2007-9-26 16:46 編輯 ]
鹭水芗南-闽南语部落(http://hokkienese.com/)  ·