
Tshṳ̂-pui Avalokiteśvara Phŏ-sat pó-hō tshuân-ke-nâng jît-jît phêng-an!
蹉跎莫遣韶光老 人生唯有讀書好 學須靜也  才須學也

1胎tho 2讨thó 3退thò 4托thoh
5逃tô 6在tŏ 7袋tō 8夺tôh
此本清代沈复(沈三白)之文,见于其名作《浮生六记·卷四 浪游记快》:
Suaⁿ-mûng che̍k-khí, chiak-kìⁿ Hu̍k-mīng, kim-kuang éu le̍k-im siang-iàng, thêng-kai chie̍h-tshó thâi cheh jû siù, tōiⁿ-ău thâi-khip jû chiêⁿ, chie̍h-lâng jiàu-tsư.

Sûng-thâi jêu sai, ŭ chie̍h hêng-zû muăng-thâu, kau nŏ-tn̆g-héu, sòi-tek huâng khî chí.

Tsài sai chîh pak, iû siâ-lâng niap-khip jêu teng, kheh-tn̂g saⁿ-êⁿ, kíng-tùi tuā-chie̍h.

Chie̍h-ĕ tsha̍k che̍k siáu-gue̍h-tî, chheng-tsuâⁿ che̍k-phài, hĕng-tshàu kau-huêⁿ.

Tn̂g-tang chiak chiàⁿ-tōiⁿ, tōiⁿ-tsó sai-hiàng ûi cheng-pâng thôu-tsàu, tōiⁿ-ău lîm siah-piah, chhiū-tsa̍p im-lông, ngiáng puk-kiàng thiang.

Chhe-lăng la̍k-phî, chiŭ tî-piⁿ siáu khì, êu tshông-tsư.
As soon as the Temple gate was opened, we saw the Buddha’s face, whose golden colour mingled with the green shade of the trees, and on the steps and the stone structures there was a thick layer of moss like fine velvet. Immediately behind the Temple there were a series of steps going up almost perpendicularly like a wall and surrounded on top by stone balustrades.

On the west of the terrace, there was a huge rock shaped like a monk’s scalp over twenty feet high and surrounded below with fine bamboo trees.

Turning again west and then north, there was a winding corridor of up-going steps, on top of which there was a three-roomed house, which was the parlour, standing close opposite the huge rock.

Beneath the rock there was a small crescent-shaped pond with beautifully clear water in it and filled with water-cress.

On the east of the parlour was the temple proper, and on the left of the temple, facing west, were the monk's living quarters and a kitchen. At the back of the temple that was a steep cliff and the trees here grew so thick and cast such a heavy shade over the place that the sky was completely hidden.

Hsing-lan, all tired out, began to lie down by the side of the pond for a little rest, which example I immediately followed.
将启盒小酌,忽闻忆香音在树杪,呼曰:“三白速来,此间有妙境!” 仰而视之,不见其人,因与星灿循声觅之。
Chiang khí-a̍p siáu-chiak, huk-bŭng Ik-hiang im tŏ chhiū-miáu, hu-iak: "Saⁿ-pe̍h sok-lâi, tshéu-kang ŭ miău-kéng! " Ngiáng-jêu sĭ-tsư, puk-kiàng khî-nâng, ing-éu Chheⁿ-tshàng sûng-siaⁿ mîk-tsư.

Yû tang-sieⁿ tshuk che̍k siáu-mûng, chîh-pak, ŭ chie̍h-teng zû thui, ioh siàu-tsa̍p-khip, i tek-ù tang phuah-kiàng che̍k lâu.

Yŭ thui zêu chiĕⁿ, poih-theng tāng-jiâng, hiah-iak "Pue-Hûng Koh".

Sì-suaⁿ phŏ-lia̍k zû-siâⁿ, khueh sai-nâm che̍k-kak, iâu-kiàng che̍k-tsúi chìm-thiang, huang-phâng éung-éung, chiak Thài-ôu iā.

Uá-theng hú-sĭ, huang tŏng tek-siau, zû huang be̍h-lăng.
We were going to open the case for a little drink when we heard Yi-hsiang's voice coming from the top of the trees shouting to us, "Sanpo, come quick! It is wonderful up here! " We looked up, but could not see him, and so got up to look for him in the direction of his voice.

We passed through a little door in the eastern room, went north and then up a score of stone steps steep like a ladder, after which we saw a building in the midst of a bamboo thicket.

Going upstairs, we found that the place was provided with windows on all sides and a signboard bore the words "The Tower of Flying Clouds."

On all sides we were surrounded by a girdle of mountains like a city wall, broken only at the south western corner where we got a glimpse of water joining the sky at the horizon with some sailing boats dimly discernible on it, this being the Taihu Lake.

As we leaned over the window and looked downwards, we saw the bamboo trees bent before the wind in swaying billows like a wheat field bowing before a summer breeze.
Tshṳ̂-pui Avalokiteśvara Phŏ-sat pó-hō tshuân-ke-nâng jît-jît phêng-an!
蹉跎莫遣韶光老 人生唯有讀書好 學須靜也  才須學也

1胎tho 2讨thó 3退thò 4托thoh
5逃tô 6在tŏ 7袋tō 8夺tôh

  jĭm sut tseu tshiu tshit guéh kì mō sou tséu éu kheh huàm tsiu
  壬 戌 之   秋, 七 月 既   望, 苏 子 与 客 泛   舟,
iû i tshiah piah tseu hiă tsheng huang tshêu lâi tsúi po put heng kéu tsiú
游 于 赤 壁 之   下。 清 风 徐   来, 水 波 不   兴。 举 酒
tsok kheh sŏng mêng guéh tseu si ko ióu thióu tseu tsiang siòu ien guéh tshut
属   客, 诵 明 月 之   诗, 歌 窈 窕 之   章。 少   焉, 月 出
i tang suaⁿ tseu tsiĕⁿ pâi huâi i táu gû tseu kan péh lōu huêⁿ kang
于 东 山 之   上, 徘 徊 于 斗 牛 之   间。 白 露 横   江,
tsúi kuang tsieup thien tsòng tsét úi tseu só jû lêng buān khuán tseu mâng jiên
水 光 接   天。 纵 一 苇 之 所   如, 凌 万 顷 之 茫   然。
hau hau hu jû phêng heu gĕu huang jêu put tsai khî só tsí phiou phiou
浩 浩 乎 如 凭 虚 御   风, 而 不 知 其 所   止; 飘 飘
hu jû jŭi sì tók líp ú huè jêu teng sien      
乎 如 遗 世 独   立, 羽 化 而 登   仙。      
  i sĭ ím tsiú lák sĭm khàu hîⁿ jêu ko tseu ko uat  
  于 是 饮 酒 乐   甚, 扣 舷 而 歌   之。 歌   曰:   “
kùi tsău hi lân tsiéⁿ khek khong mêng hi sù liû kuang mióu mióu hi êu
桂 棹 兮 兰   桨, 击 空 明 兮 溯 流   光。 渺 渺 兮 予
huâi mō múi jîn hi thien tsét huang  kheh ŭ tshue tāng siou tsiá í
  怀, 望 美 人 兮 天 一   方。   ” 客 有 吹 洞 箫   者, 倚
ko jêu huâ tseu khî siaⁿ u u jiên jû uàn jû mŏ jû khip jû
歌 而 和   之。 其 声 呜 呜   然, 如 怨 如   慕, 如 泣 如
sù êu im nióu nióu put tsóh jû lú bú hiuⁿ hak tseu tshiêum kau khip
  诉, 余 音 袅   袅, 不 绝 如   缕。 舞 幽 壑 之 潜   蛟, 泣
kou tsiu tseu lî hŭ            
孤 舟 之 嫠   妇。            
  sou tséu tshióu jiên tsiàⁿ khim ngûiⁿ tsŏ jêu mūng kheh uat  hô
  苏 子 愀   然, 正 襟 危   坐, 而 问 客   曰:   “ 何
ûi khî jiên iā  kheh uat   guéh mêng tsheⁿ hi ou tshiak lâm
为 其 然   也?   ” 客   曰:   “   ‘ 月 明 星   稀, 乌 鹊 南
pue  tshéu hui tshâu mĕng tek tseu si hu sai mō hē kháu tang mō
  飞’   , 此 非 曹 孟 德 之 诗   乎? 西 望 夏   口, 东 望
bú tshiang suaⁿ tshuan siang miŭ ut hu tshang tshang tshéu hui mĕng tek tseu khùn
武   昌, 山 川 相   缪, 郁 乎 苍   苍, 此 非 孟 德 之 困
i tsiu nêung tsiá hu huang khî phuà keng tsiu hiă kang lêng sŭn liû jêu
于 周 郎 者   乎? 方 其 破 荆   州, 下 江   陵, 顺 流 而
tang iā ték lû tshoiⁿ lí seng kî pī khong sai tsiú lîm kang huêⁿ sok
东   也, 舳 舻 千   里, 旌 旗 蔽   空, 酾 酒 临   江, 横 槊
hù si kù tsét sì tseu hiông iā jêu kim an tŏ tsāi khuàng û éu
赋   诗, 固 一 世 之 雄   也, 而 今 安 在   哉? 况 吾 与
tséu hêu tsiou i kang sú tseu siăng lĕu hêu hê jêu iú mî ték kè
子 渔 樵 于 江 渚 之   上, 侣 鱼 虾 而 友 麋   鹿, 驾
tsét hiéh tseu pién tsiu kéu phâu tsun íⁿ siang sók kià phû iû i thien
一 叶 之 扁   舟, 举 匏 樽 以 相   属。 寄 蜉 蝣 于 天
tī mióu tshang hái tseu tsét tshek ai û seⁿ tseu su jû iĕn tshiâng kang
  地, 渺 沧 海 之 一   粟。 哀 吾 生 之 须   臾, 羡 长 江
tseu bô khiông hiéup pue sien íⁿ ngâu iû phŏ mêng guéh jêu tshiâng tsong tsai
之 无   穷。 挟 飞 仙 以 遨   游, 抱 明 月 而 长   终。 知
put khó hu tsŏu tit thoh jŭi hiáng i pui hong      
不 可 乎 骤   得, 托 遗 响 于 悲   风。”      
  sou tséu uat kheh ék tsai hû tsúi éu guéh hu sī tsiá jû
  苏 子   曰:  “客   亦 知 夫 水 与 月   乎? 逝 者 如
seu jêu buē siêⁿ uáng iā iông heu tsiá jû pí jêu tsut mók siou tshiâng
  斯, 而 未 尝 往   也; 盈 虚 者 如   彼, 而 卒 莫 消 长
iā kài tsiang tsĕu khî pièn tsiá jêu kuan tseu tsek thien tī tsêng put lêng
  也。 盖 将 自 其 变 者 而 观   之, 则 天 地 曾 不 能
íⁿ tsét sùn tsĕu khî put pièn tsiá jêu kuan tseu tsek muéh éu uá kai
以 一   瞬; 自 其 不 变 者 而 观   之, 则 物 与 我 皆
bô tsĭn iā jêu iû hô iĕn hu tshiáⁿ hû thien tī tseu kan muéh kak
无 尽   也。 而 又 何 羡   乎! 且 夫 天 地 之   间, 物 各
ŭ tsú kóu hui û tseu só ŭ sui tsét hâu jêu mók tshú jûi kang
有   主, 苟 非 吾 之 所   有, 虽 一 毫 而 莫   取。 惟 江
tsiĕⁿ tseu tsheng huang éu suaⁿ kan tseu mêng guéh jéu tit tseu jêu ûi siaⁿ
上 之 清   风, 与 山 间 之 明   月, 耳 得 之 而 为   声,
mák ngŏ tseu jêu sêng sek tshú tseu bô kìm ēng tseu put kiét sĭ tsău
目 遇 之 而 成   色, 取 之 无   禁, 用 之 不   竭, 是 造
muéh tsiá tseu bô tsĭn tsăng iā jêu û éu tséu tseu só kāng sek  
物 者 之 无 尽 藏   也, 而 吾 与 子 之 所 共   适。”  
  kheh hí jêu tshiè sói tsán keng tsiak ngâu hút kì tsĭn pue puâⁿ
  客 喜 而   笑, 洗 盏 更   酌。 肴 核 既   尽, 杯 盘
lâng tsék siang éu tsím tsiă hu tsiu tang put tsai tang huang tseu kì péh
狼   籍。 相 与 枕 藉 乎 舟   中, 不 知 东 方 之 既   白。

Originally from http://www.mogher.com/reservoir/tshiahpiahhu.htm

[ 本帖最後由 Bodhisatua 於 2008-1-3 21:29 編輯 ]

回復 #3 Bodhisatua 的帖子


未尝 buē--tsêng

[ 本帖最後由 飜飛 於 2008-12-1 19:53 編輯 ]
原帖由 飜飛 於 2008-12-1 19:07 發表

未尝 buē--tsêng

少焉的少,表示短时间,按理说是上声,所以翻飞兄取chié合理。不过我初中时候,“少顷”读chié-khuéng,却是被我的语文老师更正,说是应要读成siàu-khuéng。可能前辈们(至少揭阳的部分前辈们)是觉得这里是比较文的场合,所以不习惯用“chié”吧。有些地方也确实有点模糊,比如“訾人曰少之”,古文也说“数之”,奚落、数落之类,我记得小时候也习惯是读siàu-tsur而不是chié-tsur。PS 不知有无读sié的?


Tshṳ̂-pui Avalokiteśvara Phŏ-sat pó-hō tshuân-ke-nâng jît-jît phêng-an!
蹉跎莫遣韶光老 人生唯有讀書好 學須靜也  才須學也

1胎tho 2讨thó 3退thò 4托thoh
5逃tô 6在tŏ 7袋tō 8夺tôh

回復 #5 輶轩使者 的帖子


[ 本帖最後由 飜飛 於 2008-12-1 23:06 編輯 ]
原帖由 飜飛 於 2008-12-1 19:07 發表

未尝 buē--tsêng



(ps. mogher的原型是李新魁那本**字典,具体名字忘了,侧面青色的。)


回復 #7 Bodhisatua 的帖子

Tshṳ̂-pui Avalokiteśvara Phŏ-sat pó-hō tshuân-ke-nâng jît-jît phêng-an!
蹉跎莫遣韶光老 人生唯有讀書好 學須靜也  才須學也

1胎tho 2讨thó 3退thò 4托thoh
5逃tô 6在tŏ 7袋tō 8夺tôh

回復 #8 飜飛 的帖子

Tshṳ̂-pui Avalokiteśvara Phŏ-sat pó-hō tshuân-ke-nâng jît-jît phêng-an!
蹉跎莫遣韶光老 人生唯有讀書好 學須靜也  才須學也

1胎tho 2讨thó 3退thò 4托thoh
5逃tô 6在tŏ 7袋tō 8夺tôh
原帖由 輶轩使者 於 2008-12-1 22:40 發表

Tshṳ̂-pui Avalokiteśvara Phŏ-sat pó-hō tshuân-ke-nâng jît-jît phêng-an!
蹉跎莫遣韶光老 人生唯有讀書好 學須靜也  才須學也

1胎tho 2讨thó 3退thò 4托thoh
5逃tô 6在tŏ 7袋tō 8夺tôh