

回復 #21 鴻雁於飛 的帖子

Tshṳ̂-pui Avalokiteśvara Phŏ-sat pó-hō tshuân-ke-nâng jît-jît phêng-an!
蹉跎莫遣韶光老 人生唯有讀書好 學須靜也  才須學也

1胎tho 2讨thó 3退thò 4托thoh
5逃tô 6在tŏ 7袋tō 8夺tôh
原帖由 鴻雁於飛 於 2009-4-29 12:26 發表

从 「...畲族称汉族则是"xa31lu35"(哈佬)...」这段话里,好像是说某些畲语里有类似北方汉语的清軟顎擦音(voiceless velar fricative),是介于/h/及/k/中间的辅音。闽南语(环境)的(环)有这种现象,有人念/huan/,也有人念/khuan/。

原帖由 limkianhui 於 2009-4-16 00:07 發表


Tour in Borneo

We paid our respects to the headman, who received us with politeness, though we thought we observed feelings of not the most perfect cordiality. He spoke Malay badly, and the Fuhkeen dialect of the Chinese not at all. One of his attendants spoke a little Fuhkeen. From him, and from another man whom we met in the street, and who spoke both better Malay and Fuhkeen, we gathered the following items of information, viz: that Pumangkat was founded about nine years since; that most of the inhabitants speak the Kheh dialect, that many Hok-lo men are intermingled with them; that the number of inhabitants somewhat exceeds 1000; that there are some readers among the adults; and that the principal article of produce is rice, which is consumed by the growers. The inhabitants have every appearance of being very poor.



From our friend and others, we gathered the following information concerning the number of inhabitants. Malays 6000, Bugis 5000, Fuhkeen and other Chinese 100 families, Hok-lo 1000 families, Kheh 500 families. The whole number of Chinese is reckoned at from 3000 to 4000. The entire population of Pontianak is put down at about 15,000. The Fuhkeen and Hok-lo dialects are so similar that communication is free and unembarrassed. In the vecinity of Pontianak, there is said to be a number of Chinese engaged in the cultivation of rice. The Bugis and Malays are supposed to be on the increase. The resident informed us that the nearest Dayaks are distant about two days' journey. The headman of the Fuhkeen people and others, to whom we made known our design of returning and settling at Pontianak, seemed much pleased. In Pontianak, there are only two Chinese schools, one of the Kheh, the other of the Fuhkeen men. The Hok-lo class have no school.


[ 本帖最後由 tadpole 於 2009-4-29 16:50 編輯 ]
18# 翻译

Of all the books I downloaded from Internet Archive with references to "hok-lo", George MacKay (馬偕) was the first one to use it to clearly refer to Minnan-speaking people in Taiwan in his book From Far Formosa of 1895, the year Taiwan was yielded to Japan by the Treaty of Shimonoseki (馬關條約). Another book called Pioneering in Formosa by W. Pickering (必麒麟) in 1897 also said the same thing. There's an earlier book of 1884 by the name of "The Children of China" that seems to use hok-lo to refer to people in Fujian. But it may just refer to people around Shantou.

Snapshots from three books are included here first. Those from other books will be posted later.


在我从网络档案(Internet Archive)下载有关英语福佬"hok-lo"的书籍内,马偕(George MacKay)是第一个清楚地将此词在他1895年的“From Far Formosa”(从遥远的福尔摩莎)一书当中用在台湾讲闽南语的群族上,同年台湾是因为马关条约而被割让与日本。另一本为1897年必麒麟(W. Pickering)名为“Pioneering in Formosa"(在福尔摩莎拓荒)的书,也提到同样事情。还有另一本更早1884年的"The Children of China"(中国的孩子们)的书似乎用英语福佬hok-lo来称呼福建居民。但是也有可能只是用来称呼汕头附近的居民。



Children from China

The race who lived in Kwang-tung before these other tribes came are called Punti. They are much more polished than the tribes who have come since, but they are very deceitful and cannot be trusted at all. They are very proud of being such an old race, and of their language, which they say is the oldest form of Chinese, the same that was spoken in the time of the Emperor Yu.

The Hoklo are a tribe who live in Fukien, and speak a dialect which none of the tribes near them understand at all; they live chiefly on the coast and along the sides of rivers; they are very fierce and unmanageable. In looks they are more like the Chinese than any of the other tribes I have told you of; their skin is nearly the same colour, being of a fair yellowish tint; they are like the Chinese too in having brown eyes, not quite straight, and in their hair, which is coarse, glossy, and straight. The Hakka and the Punti have much darker skins.

All these small tribes get to be more and more like the Chinese in their character; wherever Chinamen are found, these small races copy them in their manners and customs and religion.

In the Island of Hainan (which province does that belong to?) is a tribe called the Li. They live in the mountains of Hainan, while the Chinese live in the plains. Very little is known about them; they seem to be something like the mountain races that live in the north-west of India.

"The Children of China"(中国的孩子们)


From Far Formosa

...home of tribes of wild, roaming savages, whose appearance was strange to them, and whose speech was rude and barbarous. Their entrance was disputed at every point, but their greater numbers and superior skill prevailed. The savages were driven back out of some of the richest plains; rice-farms and tea plantations took the place of forest tangle and wild plateau; the rude hamlets of another race vanished; towns and cities with their unmistakable marks of the "Middel Kingdom" took their place; and the Chinese became a superior power in Formosa. They are in the main industrious and aggressive, showing all the characteristics of their race, and retaining their ancestral modes of life and worship. The large majority have emigrated from the Fu-kien province, and speak what is called the Amoy dialect. These are called Hok-los. A few are the descendants of a tribe who moved from the north of China and settled in parts of the Canton province, whence they afterward cross to Formosa. These are called Hak-kas ("strangers"), with distinct forms of life and language.

... that they will treat the aborigenes with fairness. The following table will show the ethnology of the people:

Mongolian -> Chinese -> Hok-los & Hak-kas
Malayan -> Aborigines -> Pe-po-hoan & Sek-hoan & Lam-si-hoan & Chhi-hoan

...There are nearly three million Chinese on the island. Of these about one million are in the four districts served by the Mission of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. They are divided into two classes, the Hok-los and the Hak-kas. The Hok-los comprise seven eighths of the Chinese population in North Formosa. They are emigrants, or the children of emigrants, from the Fu-kien province, opposite the island. After Koxinga, the Chinese pirate, drove the Dutch out of Formosa, that rich and beautiful island was opened up for Chinese emigration, and became an outlet for the overcrowded province of Fu-kien. They found it inhabited by aboriginal tribes who, though they were friendly to the Dutch, resisted the aggressiveness of the Chinese. Gradually the Chinese crowded these aborigines back into the mountains, and they themselves now occupy the large and fertile plains on the north and west. Besides those who have made their home on the island, between ten and twenty thousand come over every year from Amoy to engage in the tea industry. Of these a percentage remain. The Chinese in Formosa have all the marks of their countrymen in Fu-kien, except that emigration has done its work in changing somewhat their customs and point of view. They speak the Amoy dialect. The women bind their feet and wear the same dress as Amoy.




蒙古人种 -〉 汉人种 -〉 福佬 & 客家
马来人种 -〉 原住民 -〉 平埔番 & 熟番 & 南势番 & 生番




[ 本帖最後由 tadpole 於 2009-5-2 00:04 編輯 ]
Emperor Yu,是帝尧还是帝禹呢?

Tshṳ̂-pui Avalokiteśvara Phŏ-sat pó-hō tshuân-ke-nâng jît-jît phêng-an!
蹉跎莫遣韶光老 人生唯有讀書好 學須靜也  才須學也

1胎tho 2讨thó 3退thò 4托thoh
5逃tô 6在tŏ 7袋tō 8夺tôh
感謝tadpole 共咱鬥翻譯,有影真厚工,ló͘-la̍t  ló͘-la̍t !!!


所以,福建閩南中心地帶,應該的確不存在類似“福佬”(hoklo, holo, holoh ......)這樣的稱謂。從以前到現代都沒有。那些“福佬”(hoklo, holo, holoh ......)的說法只存在廣東、台灣,這是確定的,而且從來就有。此外,還可能存在於福建平和南靖詔安這些閩省偏遠地帶(重點是這裡與客家共居)。
鹭水芗南-闽南语部落(http://hokkienese.com/)  ·
原帖由 limkianhui 於 2009-5-1 09:35 發表
感謝tadpole 共咱鬥翻譯,有影真厚工,ló͘-la̍t  ló͘-la̍t !!!


所以,福建閩南中心地帶,應該的確不存在類似“福佬”(hoklo, holo, holoh ......)這樣的稱謂。從以前到現代都沒有。那些“福佬”(hoklo, holo, holoh .. ...


这是一首畲族儿歌:摇呵摇,嫁女嫁聚头,聚头倒,嫁豪佬 ,豪佬 不好嫁山哈,山哈不要嫁乞食,乞食不要该该杀了吃.....


畲族历史看起来大约是这个模式:(一)福建当地山多群族也多,台湾本身就有两打以上语言不能相通的群族,福建情况不会比台湾好。所以我下面讲的只是大群族。小群族是算不了的。(二)原本史记汉书的闽族应该类似苗瑶族,后来被稍微汉化的畲族取代为该地最大族。这跟闽人入海,及徒其众于江淮之间这些历史事情或者有关。(三)因为汉人统治的关系,部分畲族更一步汉化。造成畲族一族两语。这跟苏格兰的情况应该类似。今天所谓的苏格兰语(Scottish/Scots/Scottish English)其实是英语方言。原本苏格兰土语是另一种语言(Scottish Gaelic)。操原本畲语的群族管操汉化畲语的群族为(山哈)。操原本畲语的群众越来越少,今天基本上没有了。(广东的一些畲族今天用的畲语是比较现代的其他群族的苗瑶语,也不能算是原本畲语)。这种现象造成某些像罗美珍学者们大胆地提出了”畲族没有自己的语言“一论,让一些畲族群众气愤的不得了。今天,几乎全部畲族都自己称为(山哈),(畲)这一称呼只保留成汉人称呼畲族的称呼。在(哈)字开始使用时,也就是更汉化的(客)人,(哈佬)人或(福佬)人名称开始出现的时候。(四)跟畲族杂居在一起的客家人及福佬人,应为常常跟畲族打交道,就开始自己也称呼为(客)人,(福佬)人。在此时的这三个群族都是你中有我,我中有你。尤其客家人和畲族非常难分别,这两族语言几乎是一样的,主要差别是文化上的差别:客家人较汉化,畲族保留下了一些古老习俗及信仰。闽南漳泉地带到了元朝时开始进入现代文明,当地城镇的人跟畲族关系就渐渐不那么密切了。但是住在山区畲族旁边的福佬人及客家人还是很多。(五)这些与畲族杂居的福佬人跟客家人是移民广东的闽南人主要来源。不管从广东人记录也好,外国人记录也好,这些闽南移民看起来都还很落后,甚至不被当成汉人。这群人之间有部分移民台湾。因为台湾主要移民来源为客家及福佬群族,不管如何,(福佬)这个称呼变成一种需要,主要功能是区别于不是客家人的闽南人移民。其实,(客家)人一称呼及把客家人当成汉人群族是近代在广东形成的,民族上(客家)群族成立或许没有问题,但是语言上(客家话)是非常难独立出来的,跟赣语畲语关系都很接近,所以单独用客家话来判断某些群族是否算是客家人是有困难的。很多跟客家人语言能互通的群族并不自己认为是客家人。很多现代语言学者们甚至建议把(客家话)从南方汉语种类中取消掉,用(赣客)方言代替。


鹭水芗南-闽南语部落(http://hokkienese.com/)  ·
原帖由 limkianhui 於 2009-5-1 20:20 發表
