- 母語
- 來自
- Taipei, 大羅天

发表于 2007-9-24 22:51
原帖由 limkianhui 於 2007-9-24 19:49 發表 
的確,地名的說法,很多時候是約定俗成的,有的可能是屬於雅化(比如,“集美“,旧称“尽尾”或“浔尾”),有的則可能是古早时期說法的殘留(如厦门地名 “殿前”不叫“tiān-chiân”,而是叫tiàⁿ-tsâiⁿ,属同安音系),有的则不明何故(如“龍岩”,不叫“lêng-giâm”,而是叫 “lêng-nâ”)。 This situation is also common in Taiwan. Like "基隆" pronounced as "ke-lâng" or "koe-lâng" because of earlier "雞籠". The place where I live is called "安坑" and the local pronunciation is "àm-kheⁿ" because it's formerly called "暗坑". 景美 of Taipei city is "kéng-b(ó)e (景尾)", 八德 of 桃園 is "p(o)eh-tè (八塊)" and 八斗 of 彰化 is "pó-táu (寶斗)".
As to "龍岩", my guess is that "g" in "giâm" was nasalized because of "lêng". So the initial part went under the change of "g > ng > n". The final part should be further influenced by the changed "n-" initial. After all, change of "g" sounds to "n" sounds are also very common in Chinese dialects. Many words in Putonghua that begin with "n" began with "g" in Middle Chinese. 牛 is a very good example. Other examples include 凝, 逆 and 孽.
Tim |